The Wisdom, Power, & Beauty of the Hands
Our hands are an energy map of consciousness & health. Every part of your body and brain can be accessed and stimulated by using the hands in specific ways. Mudras (hand postures) are a powerful way to positively affect your health, mental state, & emotional well-being.
What you will learn:
*Learn the ancient wisdom that is contained in the hands.
*Learn the planetary & elemental influences of the fingers & hands.
*Learn the corresponding energy meridian and organ of each finger.
*Learn how to direct the energies of the hands by working with mudras (hand postures) for self-healing, manifestation, blessings, & protection.
Mudras taught in class:
*Prosperity *Healing *Calm the Mind * Intuition *Clarity * Increase the energy flow in the body *Manifestation *Protection *Restorative Sleep
“Our hands are our most powerful spiritual friends and helpers we have. By working with the forces hidden in your hands, everything within you will become organized and harmonious…Every time you need help you can do a particular mudra and develop the qualities of energies it contains.” - Dr. Levry
Class also includes Breathwork, Mantras, & Joy!
*Class cost $19